Technical Rescue Team Training at Northeast Mall Fire Service Technical Rescue Training February 12, 2022 Hurst, TX - February 7&10, 2022 - Firefighters from several departments were trained in technical rescues involving ropes. The course taught by several experts from Haltom City, Hurst, and other departments is the first course in becoming part of many technical rescue teams. The course included classroom instruction as well
Car Stuck On Wires Fire Service Incident Major Accident Technical Rescue Vehicle into Building August 17, 2019August 17, 2019 Richland Hills, Texas August 14, 2019 12:35 - Dispatchers sent police and fire crews from Richland Hills, North Richland Hills, Haltom City, AA Wrecker Service, and Oncor to an accident in the 3400 block of Norton in Richland Hills. A driver managed to back onto utility pole guy wires, becoming