Grapevine Garage Fire Fire Service House Fire Incident October 17, 2020 Grapevine, TX – October 17, 2020 13:05 911 Call taker/dispatchers received a call reporting smoke from a neighbor’s house. Fire and police were dispatched. Medic 3 arrived first, reporting heavy smoke and flames showing from the rear of a 3,000 square foot home. Engine 4 arrived shortly after and declared a working fire on the C/D side, in a detached garage. They pulled an attack line and went to work. Engine 3 arrived taking the hydrant. Fire was found in the attic of the garage, which did have a covered breezeway connection to the home. Neighbors reported contact with the residents, and confirmed they were not home. Quint 5 arrived followed by Truck 1, Medics 2 & 8, Battalion 1, Admin 1, and Engine 2. Colleyville Battalion 24 and Truck 241 were also dispatched to assist. After Battalion 1’s 360, he reported the fire contained to the garage on the B/C corner of the home. Engine 4 charged a second attack line as crews pulled ceiling and searched for a dog. Admin 1 was assigned as Safety officer. A dog was located in the home(unharmed) and handed over to a neighbor. Colleyville units arrived. Engine 1 was assigned RIT. Engine 3 took a hose line inside the home as a precaution. Truck 1 opened up the roof that connected the garage to the home. The fire was put under control at 13:35. The were no known injuries at post time. The timeline and descriptions above are based on a quick replay of radio traffic, and some actions were certainly missed. The fire was still under investigation, but one report indicated it was likely accidental.